Registration is required for this free class. Please register with Mandy Willey at the City of Johnston
Bouncing Babies story hour includes rhymes, songs, bounces and books just right for your little one! Build your baby's foundation for lifelong reading and learning with this engaging story time. Great for babies ages 6 months-18 months.
Join us at a special edition of Anime Club to celebrate National Pokemon Day! Enjoy Pokemon trivia, snacks, shows, and MORE! Then, stick around to battle it out with your favorite Pokemon in the Pokken Tournament video game at 5:00.
Watch out! We are making our own Minecraft Slimes in this after-school program for kids in grades 3-5. Registration is required.
Celebrate National Pokémon Day by stepping into the arena! Join us for a thrilling session of Pokkén Tournament, where you can battle it out with your favorite Pokémon in intense 3D battles.
Join us for the first Ultimate Reading Challenge meetup of the year! This is the perfect opportunity to meet fellow book lovers, exchange reading goals, and share the excitement for the year ahead.
Everyday English is an ongoing program designed for English language learning adults. Lessons focus on functional English – learning basic phrases and expressions for having conversations in everyday English as well as lessons on living in the United States. Lessons are led by a professional ESOL teacher and trained volunteers. Follow-up digital materials are available for interested students. Classes meet both in-person and online using the Zoom app, for those who prefer to join virtually. Email Library Staff at for sign-in information. Classes are free and registration is not required, but is appreciated.
Annual HOA Meeting